Introvert's Social Club logo
  • New to Valencia?

  • Want to make friends?

  • Already tired of loud networking events?

What is Introvert's Social Club?

Introvert's Social Club offers a refreshing alternative to the typical loud networking events and small talk you have to endure to meet new people.Instead, we provide a unique way for expats in Valencia to create deep connections through quiet, meaningful conversations and activities.


We organise multiple introvert-friendly events each week, providing ways to meet new people in relaxed locations, powered by thoughtful conversation.

  • Small groups

  • Quiet environment

  • Thoughtful conversation

  • Well-moderated


The community is an online space designed to help you find the right people, without the stress!

  • Members directory: Find new friends. Our detailed profiles help you find people with similar interests, values and philosophies as you.

  • Organise hangouts: Want to make plans but don't know who to go with? Whether it's a concert, a hike, or simply grabbing coffee, organise a hangout and invite other members to join you.

  • Tips, advice, inspiration: Chat with other members. Build connections online, then take it offline!

Thoughtful Questions App

Designed to spark thought-provoking conversations, our app offers a curated selection of questions to inspire meaningful discussions.Perfect for new encounters or deepening existing relationships.

Discover the top events and activities for introverts each week. Join our newsletter.

    Early bird pricing

    Get one month membership totally free and lock in this exclusive early bird discount.

    • Free access to events

    • 20% off premium events and merch

    • Exclusive, members-only events

    • Free access to the Premium app (coming soon)

    €14.99 €9.99€74.99 €49.99

    Join the waitlist*

    *This also subscribes you to our weekly newsletter outlining the top introvert-friendly events in Valencia each week. We promise 100% no spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Thanks! You're on the waitlist.

    We'll be in touch with more info soon.

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